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Writer's pictureIlyana Rajwani

Is the importance of PR recognised in the fashion industry?

Updated: Apr 15, 2020

The PR industry has never been more popular. However are we, as professionals, being ignored?

Due to social media, brands can now have a direct connection with their consumers. This direct connection is causing an immediate PR crisis and is taking away the true impact of the brands PR and Marketing strategies.

When it comes to the fashion industry there are unfortunately numerous examples. Prestigious luxury brands including Gucci, Dolce & Gabbana and Burberry have all been through a PR crisis and accused of racially discriminatory and insensitive designs.

The Italian fashion brand Gucci’s “Blackface” scandal from last year is a crisis that I still think of to this day. The £688 “balaclava jumper” which resembled blackface was removed from Gucci stores and website after sparking immediate backlash on social media.

To make matters worse, this design was released during Black History Month which added fire to the flame. Alessandro Michele, Gucci’s creative director, did issue an apology for the offence caused.

Why did this crisis occur? This could have been due to ignorance, lack of diversity on the creative team at Gucci or on purpose as “ there is no such thing as bad press.”

However, I strongly believe it is due to the lack of communication and separation between PR, advertising and designers in fashion companies. In PR we have to think three steps ahead. This is impossible if we are neglected from aspects of the business. PR should be part of the creative process to prevent issues like this that have occurred one too many times in the fashion industry.

There is one simple solution, teamwork! Everyone working for a brand wants the same thing after all, for the brand to succeed.

In my opinion, the fashion industry does not recognise the importance of PR enough and how easy it is to ruin a reputation. What do you think?

Thanks for reading!


Refinery29, 2020.Gucci Blackface Sweater. [image] Available at: <> [Accessed 10 April 2020].

Young, S., 2019.Alessandro Michele Speaks Out Over Gucci's Controversial 'Blackface' Scandal. [online] The Independent. Available at: <> [Accessed 9 April 2020].

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Ilyana Rajwani
Ilyana Rajwani
2020년 5월 08일

Thanks so much for your feedback, @Cleo Szabo. I love discussing my blogs with my readers. I completely agree with you that many people must have approved this item of closing which makes the situation even worse. Part of me thinks because Gucci is such a big luxury brand know by millions worldwide, they aren't as worried about backlash. The example you used on D&B is great and I am going to do some research on it!

Many thanks


Ilyana Rajwani
Ilyana Rajwani
2020년 5월 08일

Thank for your comment @Aryanna Brier. Great question! Like mentioned in the blog I would ensure that PR executives are included in the creative aspect of the business from the beginning. Even as early as mind mapping an idea. The PR executive should then be able to spot a problem as soon as it occurs and stop a PR crisis from happening.


Cleo Szabo
Cleo Szabo
2020년 5월 07일

I totally agree with this blog! I think it's upsetting and ridiculous that such a huge and popular brand made a mistake like this, because the way I see it, these designs probably had to be approved by several people and for not one to stop it is crazy! I also see what you mean by they could've thought "no press is bad press", and I think this might be the case, however it was a very big risk for the to take, for example the D&G scandal in Asia cost them huge revenue loss as so many buyers protested against the brands mess up, even after an apology. I agree with not backing a brand like this because I…


Aryanne Brier
Aryanne Brier
2020년 5월 07일

What a great read! Some very interesting facts that I enjoyed learning! I’m interested to know how do you think brands, like Gucci, could include PR in such processes? How would you stress this importance?


2020년 5월 07일

Yesss for sure i agree with you i think with good PR you can change any ones perception

Once again great post, thanks for reponding x

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